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Dungeons & Dragons
2024-01-18 18:00:002024-01-18 20:00:00America/ChicagoDungeons & DragonsDo you love to cast Magic Missile at the darkness? Do you dream about engaging dragons in combat? Join us for an impromptu two-hour game of "D&D" in the Vortex! (Grades 6–12)Fountaindale Public Library - Vortex
Thursday, January 18 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Add to Calendar2024-01-18 18:00:002024-01-18 20:00:00America/ChicagoDungeons & DragonsDo you love to cast Magic Missile at the darkness? Do you dream about engaging dragons in combat? Join us for an impromptu two-hour game of "D&D" in the Vortex! (Grades 6–12)Fountaindale Public Library - Vortex
Fountaindale Public Library
Do you love to cast Magic Missile at the darkness? Do you dream about engaging dragons in combat? Join us for an impromptu two-hour game of "D&D" in the Vortex! (Grades 6–12)