Lucy! follows famous American comedienne Lucille Ball from her shaky family beginnings in upstate New York, through Broadway and finally to Hollywood.
Join us for this special event for adults 55 and older. A light lunch will be provided.
Registration closes one day before the event. Drop-ins are welcome, but are not guaranteed a lunch with the program.
Meeting Room doors will open at 11:45 a.m.
Lucille Ball was the most famous American comedienne of all time. Lucy! takes us from her shaky family beginnings in upstate New York, through Broadway and finally to Hollywood. From her meeting and marrying Desi, her reign as Queen of the Bs, her zenith as the Lucy character on TV to her eventual successful marriage to Gary Morton, you’ll get to peer into the deep recesses of Lucy’s mind and emotions, her struggles and her triumphs.
TAGS: | Senior Living | Movies/Music/Entertainment | Genealogy/History/Culture |
AGE GROUPS: | Adults |