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Around the World in Five Clues
2024-03-06 16:30:002024-03-06 17:30:00America/ChicagoAround the World in Five CluesBecome a cultural detective and investigate five activity-based clues to guess what country you are exploring! (Grades 3–5)Fountaindale Public Library - Children's Storytime Room
Wednesday, March 06 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Add to Calendar2024-03-06 16:30:002024-03-06 17:30:00America/ChicagoAround the World in Five CluesBecome a cultural detective and investigate five activity-based clues to guess what country you are exploring! (Grades 3–5)Fountaindale Public Library - Children's Storytime Room
Fountaindale Public Library
Children's Storytime Room
Become a cultural detective and investigate five activity-based clues to guess what country you are exploring! (Grades 3–5)