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Letters of Kindness
Part of Kindness Day (Drop in)
2024-05-18 00:00:002024-05-18 23:59:00America/ChicagoLetters of KindnessSpread the word: we’re writing kind letters! Drop by to write letters to people in our community and around the world to help spread and promote kindness! (All ages)Fountaindale Public Library - Children's Services
Saturday, May 18 All day
Add to Calendar2024-05-18 00:00:002024-05-18 23:59:00America/ChicagoLetters of KindnessSpread the word: we’re writing kind letters! Drop by to write letters to people in our community and around the world to help spread and promote kindness! (All ages)Fountaindale Public Library - Children's Services
Fountaindale Public Library
Children's Services
Spread the word: we’re writing kind letters! Drop by to write letters to people in our community and around the world to help spread and promote kindness! (All ages)